I will never be able to erase the look on my son's face from my memory when I walked into the exam room and he said, "Mom, I have cancer." Even though he was a 26-year-old man, he looked like a very scared little boy. 

I had watched my father die of colon cancer three and a half years before this, so the fear I felt was almost unbearable. 

It was hard to watch my father go through this, but now that this was my child - the playing field had changed. 

As a family, we stayed strong and encouraged him through the surgery and three months of chemo. 

I am very grateful to God that I still have my son, but I will forever carry with me the memory of the look on his face. That is why I relay. 

Every year I see the smile on his face as he walks the Survivor's lap, I am overwhelmed with joy and thankfulness. 

When I go out and fund-raise for Relay for Life, I always tell people I am a mother on a mission!!

I have lost many important people in my life to cancer, I relay in their honor. 

I have watched my son be saved because of the progress they have made against cancer, so I also relay out of thankfulness. 

But the main reason I relay is in the hopes that someday, no mother will have to see that look on their child's face. 


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