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Sandy T
10/8/2010 06:18:13 pm

This website is heart wrenching but at the same time HOPEFUL.

Thank you

Sydne DeBusk
10/8/2010 11:42:45 pm

A very inspirational website! Thanks to everyone for sharing.

noah weninger
10/10/2010 12:21:24 pm

wow team noah and the arks sounds awesome way 2 go everybody!THANKS BECCA U ROCK....

Sue Kaiser
10/11/2010 01:57:40 am

What an awesome family effort! Couldn't go for a better cause.

Terri Burton
10/11/2010 10:35:32 am

Prayer to Saint Peregrine

O great St. Peregrine, you have been called "The Mighty," "The Wonder-Worker," because of the numerous miracles which you have obtained from God for those who have had recourse to you.

For so many years you bore in your own flesh this cancerous disease that destroys the very fibre of our being, and who had recourse to the source of all grace when the power of man could do no more. You were favoured with the vision of Jesus coming down from His Cross to heal your affliction. Ask of God and Our Lady, the cure of the sick whom we entrust to you.

Linda Hayworth
10/11/2010 01:15:50 pm

I love the openess and sharing of the disease that is in the world today! When my father went through lung cancer it was kind of a denial thing. No one shared and it brings tears to my eyes to think that it could have been. At that time no one talked about it.
Noah and all of you with cancer I am saying special prayers.

11/5/2010 06:50:19 am

Noah and the Arks Team,

My HOPE is that the Relay For Life will raise the last research dollars needed to find a CURE! Thank you for all your hardwork and dedication to fighting this disease- Together we do make a difference!

1/23/2011 05:54:44 am

such a beautiful and inspiring site!

Nachy Hart
1/30/2011 11:17:31 am

What a great website, you guys are awesome. Every year I am amazed at how our community comes together for the relay. Thank you for the continued thoughts for our Ginny,it means alot to the whole family!

Nancy Hart
1/30/2011 11:19:28 am

Sorry for my typos, but the message is sincere!!!

1/30/2011 03:35:47 pm

Thanks for stopping in all!

Ginny is never far from any of our thoughts - she will always be missed.


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